If you have a preschooler, you know all about the power of the mighty monster…that little “creature feature” that stalls bedtime and makes for late-night calls for mom and dad. It’s a universal trait that most children will experience….and therefore, a universal sleep-stealer that almost every parent can relate to.
According to Jean Piaget (1896-1980), Swiss psychologist and philosopher, the ages of two to four are characterized by reason being dominated by perception. This creates a ripe breeding ground for such things as nighttime fears. Knowing one of the reasons that kids have such fears does little to make them exit stage left, however.
Enter ScareMeNots(tm) , an ingenious stuffed creation by Innovative Toys, Inc., that is the talk of the town for tots and tykes with unwelcome nocturnal visitors.
When it comes to ScareMeNots(tm), it’s all about the tail. Each of the ScareMeNots(tm) have a long tail and two Velcro strips (at tip and midpoint) that allow the monster-chasers to hang from door handles, closet or curtain rods, chair backs, etc. Placing the tail between the box spring and mattress, allowing the ScareMeNot(tm) to hang down and peer under the bed, is also an effective way to keep monsters at bay.
They are equally happy to sit on dressers, inside toy boxes or under furniture, or just to snuggle up in bed with your child. ScareMeNots will keep their eyes wide open (often several of them!), to stay on the watch against monsters while your child –and you—get a good night’s sleep.
The lineup for the ScareMeNots(tm) includes:
Protector Patty is the current chairman of M.A.M.A (Mothers Against Monster Activity).
Valiant Valerie possesses all the monster detection and preventive intuition of her parents
Protector Patty and Guardian Gus. Zapping monsters is in Valiant Valerie’s DNA.
Defender Dave is the founder of S.M.N.(Scare Me Not). He is 100% I.C.U. (I See You) certified from the world renowned M.P.S.A. (Monsters Preventative Services of America).
Guardian Gus, with an extra eye in each hand, is ideal for spotting monsters around corners and under beds.
Fearless Fred was recently awarded the Big Badge of Bravery from the M.P.S.A. (Monsters Preventative Services of America) for the apprehension (fancy word for zapping) of the notorious Snackfoot Monster.
Watchdog Wally is the star of our k-9 protection division at S.M.N. (Scare Me Not). He has been trained to keep his high tech nose into the wind scanning for monsters.
View a video of the ScareMeNots(tm) here:
If you've got a preschooler, or know someone who does, we recommend the ScareMeNot(tm) stuffed doll. You'll thank them in the morning!

Caution: ScareMeNots(tm), while meant to help the young'uns deal with nighttime fears, is also very appealing to the tween and teen crowd. I know of a 12-year-old girl who has "Watchdog Willie" perched on her armoire in her bedroom, because, "He's just sooooooo cute!"
Who can argue with that?
Congratulations Innovative Toys, Inc., on your Kidlutions Preferred Product Award!
I really like this product line, so pro-kid. I will keep them in mind for future recommendations. Thanks, Wendy!
ReplyDeleteYou're more than welcome Melissa! These are just adorable! Keep dropping in! We've got a great line-up of products still to come!